Left: Show flyer by Sir Fred Gear
Lenny's Bar is putting on a "Japan Party!" this Friday night. Music by Sonen, Modern Society, and Judi Chicago with some live video by Bean Summer. Apparently, people are going to dress in wacky costumes and jam out.
And there will be paintings. Unfortunately, I'm completely drawing a blank as to who these people are:
Sir Fred Gear
Ross Green
K C Reeves
Gudrun Stone
Jennifer Blount
I know Gudrun Stone was in the mixed tape show over at MINT; I just can't remember which pieces were his. (I wonder if Saint knows about this Japan show...)
The flyer promises "urban art" of the "Japanese-inspired" variety. I'm not sure what that means, but it could be interesting. The image is simple enough: a cloudburst of repeating Japanese characters, mori (森) and hayashi (林). The two characters, which translate loosely to "forest" and "grove," are themselves repetitions of the pictograph for "tree." Just look closer and you'll see the little bastards. So, as a whole, the cluster suggests something like "trees in a forest," or if you prefer a more poetic English phrase, You can't see the forest for the trees.
Sounds a little too Zen - like that damn tree falling in the woods. Let's see how it turns out.