[NOTE] I checked Barnes & Noble at Edgewood yesterday; there are several copies of ArtVoices still available (featuring my review of Deanna Sirlin's recent exhibition at Whitespace)! See also ArtVoices' shiny new website.
The prevailing wisdom tells me that summer is not a great season for arts in Atlanta. It's too hot, they say. There's nothing going on, they say, or at least there's nothing worth sticking around for.
Please allow me to disagree. Yes, the heat is abysmal, and although it exacerbates other commonplace annoyances (the smog gets worse), I consider it essential to the character of the place. I appreciate it, and I'm pleased to admit that though I've planned a short vacation elsewhere it will be even hotter than here.
I've been pleasantly distracted these past few months. GATHER Atlanta was a success that, to be honest, exceeded my expectations brilliantly. But it was exhausting. Subsequently, I've neglected a few things here and there, including my as yet part-time career as a freelance writer.
The three posts below are placeholders. (Scans are on the way.) Ghostmap Microwave is the blog that ties all my projects together; I'll be filling in the blanks below over the coming weeks, so, please, keep checking here for new updates!
The fireworks begin in July.